Morning Routine - Try This

As soon as you wake up, before you get up, simply lie in your bed and pay attention to your physical body. Start by taking a few deep breaths in and out, then follow a brief body scan by noticing how each part of your body feels, starting at your toes and gradually, slowly, working your way up your entire body, all the way to the top of your head. As much as you are able to, see if you can let go of judging; instead, simply notice what is present and offer a kind, caring attitude to each part of your body: feet, legs, pelvic area, torso, internal organs, arms, hands, toes, shoulders, neck, back of head, face and top of the head.

It’s ok if you fall back to sleep - try it again when you wake up. Likewise, if you find your mind is jumping around and it’s difficult to bring your attention to the body, simply take a few more deep breaths and notice the air coming in through your nostrils and back out again, then begin to focus on the body once more. It doesn’t matter how many times you have to bring the wandering mind back to focusing on the body - and even if you run out of time and have to get up, for work or something else.. it’s ok to let it go - this is the beginning and keep having a practice each morning.

Remember that there is no right or wrong way to follow this body scan, but if you want to listen to a guided practice, then follow Track 2 of the MBSR recordings in this website. (TO BE UPLOADED AT A FUTURE DATE)




Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts