There is always blue sky

The mind is like the sky and sometimes it gets filled with clouds…

Some clouds are small, white and fluffy. On a windy day they will pass by quickly. Some clouds are large, grey and linger. Sometimes the whole sky is covered with one grey cloud. But the blue sky is always there.

Sit and watch the clouds passing by. See your thoughts as clouds in the sky and watch them come and go. When they linger, imagine a gentle wind arrives to send them on their way.

Sometimes the grey clouds stay for several days and we forget that the blue sky is there. But it is there, the blue sky never goes away, it simply gets hidden, just as our thoughts can dominate our mind.

By cultivating a daily meditation practice over several weeks we can train the mind to settle, to prevent ourselves getting tangled up in thoughts, as we let them come and go,,, and find peace. Moreover, we learn to change our relationship to thoughts: neither desperately trying to hang on to pleasant thoughts, nor allowing negative thoughts to pull us down, make us tense. So instead feeling out of control and helpless, we learn to allow the thoughts to come, knowing they will pass and balance will once more be restored.


A Poem for Today